The Four Secrets to Successfully Rekindling a Relationship with a Stubborn Ex


Are you struggling to get your stubborn ex back? If so, you’re not alone. Trying to change the mind of someone who is very attached to their ideas, beliefs or tastes can be a daunting task. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we will share with you four secrets for successfully getting back a stubborn ex. By following these secrets, you can increase your chances of influencing your ex to change their mind and come back to you. So, let’s dive in and discover what these secrets are.

I. Secret #1: Make it their decision

Secret #1 for successfully getting back a stubborn ex is to make it their decision. It’s important to understand that attempting to force your ex to change their mind is unlikely to work.

Instead, you should aim to influence them in a way that makes them believe that the decision to get back together was their own. By doing this, your ex is more likely to be committed to the decision and less likely to backtrack in the future.

There are several ways to make it their decision. For instance, you can subtly plant the idea in their head and let them think about it over time. You can also give them reasons to reconsider their decision by highlighting the benefits of being in a relationship with you.

Additionally, you can create opportunities for them to initiate contact or ask you out on a date. By doing so, they’ll feel like they’re taking the lead in the situation.

The key is to be patient and not rush them into making a decision. Instead, allow them to come to their own conclusions at their own pace.

By using these techniques, you can make it their decision to get back together, which will increase the likelihood of a successful reunion.

2. Secret #2: Tap into Fear of Missing Out Syndrome

The second secret for successfully getting back a stubborn ex is to tap into the Fear of Missing Out Syndrome (FOMO). This psychological phenomenon is characterized by the fear of missing out on experiences, opportunities or connections that may never be available again. By creating a sense of urgency and highlighting what your ex may miss out on by not being with you, you can motivate them to reconsider their decision.

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You can do this by reminding them of the good times you had together, the fun experiences you shared, and the meaningful moments that made your relationship special.

You can also highlight the potential future you could have together and the opportunities they might miss out on if they choose not to give it another chance.

The goal is to make them realize that they might regret not giving it another try, and that they could miss out on something truly special.

However, it’s important not to come across as desperate or manipulative.

You want to show your ex what they’re missing out on without making them feel pressured or uncomfortable.

By tapping into the Fear of Missing Out Syndrome in a subtle and respectful way, you can create a paradigm shift in their mindset and make them more open to the idea of getting back together with you.

3. Secret #3: Be willing to walk away

The third secret for successfully getting back a stubborn ex is to be willing to walk away. This may seem counterintuitive, but it’s essential to show your ex that you’re willing to move on without them. By doing so, you create a sense of mystery and intrigue that can make them wonder what they might be missing out on.

Moreover, this approach can trigger the Fear of Missing Out Syndrome, making them realize that they might lose something valuable if they don’t act quickly. Being willing to walk away doesn’t mean that you should be rude or hostile towards your ex.

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Instead, it means that you should focus on your own needs and desires, and not put your life on hold waiting for them to come back. This can involve taking steps towards personal growth, pursuing new hobbies and interests, and spending time with friends and family.

By doing things that make you happy and fulfilled, you show your ex that you have a life outside of the relationship and that you’re not dependent on them for your happiness. This can make them respect you more and see you in a new light.

If you’re not willing to walk away, your ex may perceive you as needy or desperate, which can be a turn-off. On the other hand, if you show them that you’re confident and self-assured, they may start to see you as a more attractive partner.

So, if you’re serious about getting your stubborn ex back, be willing to walk away and create a sense of intrigue that can make them want you back even more.

4. Secret #4: Stop putting your ex on a pedestal

The fourth secret for successfully getting back a stubborn ex is to stop putting them on a pedestal. It’s natural to idealize your ex after a breakup, especially if you still have feelings for them. However, putting them on a pedestal can do more harm than good.

By doing so, you may unconsciously signal to them that you’re not worthy of their attention or affection, which can reinforce their decision to end the relationship. Moreover, it can make you appear desperate or clingy, which can be a turn-off.

To stop putting your ex on a pedestal, you need to shift your focus from them to yourself.

This involves building up your self-esteem, focusing on your own goals and aspirations, and developing a strong sense of self-worth. By doing so, you show your ex that you’re a confident and independent person who doesn’t need them to validate your worth.

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This can make you more attractive to them and increase the likelihood of a successful reunion.

It’s also important to avoid comparing yourself to your ex or their new partners.

This can make you feel inferior and further reinforce the idea that they’re better than you. Instead, focus on your own strengths and qualities, and recognize that you’re a valuable and worthwhile person in your own right.

By stopping putting your ex on a pedestal, you can regain your self-confidence and become more attractive to them, increasing the chances of a successful reconciliation.


In conclusion, getting back a stubborn ex can be a challenging task, but by following the four secrets outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of success.
Remember, the key is to focus on the factors you have control over, such as your own behavior and mindset.
By making it their decision, tapping into the Fear of Missing Out Syndrome, being willing to walk away, and stopping putting your ex on a pedestal, you can create a sense of intrigue and desire that can make your ex more open to the idea of getting back together with you.
However, it’s important to approach this process with patience and respect, and to avoid being manipulative or desperate.
Ultimately, if the relationship is meant to be, it will happen naturally.
So, be true to yourself, focus on your own growth and well-being, and let the universe do the rest.